Visit D.R.Congo

Get immersed into the world’s Ancient biodiversity Gym. You’re welcome to discover Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in the Northern Kivu province inside the Virunga National park.

Virunga forested nature is dated back in time hence being the Africa’s oldest national park covering an area scale of 7,769 Kilometers squared. The conservation of the Virunga biodiversity was established in 1925 April and was considered a world heritage site under UNESCO. The mythical safari packages to the Virunga national park includes Ultimate Mountain Gorilla tracking, Nyiragongo active volcano excursions, Mountaineering, Primate Adventure walks and day visits to Senkwekwe Gorilla Orphanage Home while staying at the luxurious mikeno lodge, Kibumba tented camp and Tchegera Island Tented Camp.

Virunga forest-Where wildlife conservation comes at a cost.

Virunga national park has had wildlife conservation threats that saw the size of this forest reducing, displacing the locals mostly those living near the volcanic effects of Nyiragongo eruptions where lives were lost and houses burnt into ashes however Thanks to Responsible Eco-tourism, Militarized conservation systems to counter attack poaching and all form of illegal activities and the impact of global conservation forums that have worked tirelessly to regain conservation territories of this Ancient diverse wildlife forest. However this comes at a huge cost which has been involving gunning down of selfless wildlife conservation rangers through Ambushes of poachers and militias to Ranger camps and patrols. Today Virunga established a donation box for the Virunga conservation fund that is meant to help the families, widows and children of the fallen conservation heroes who have met their fate of death on the line of wildlife conservation duties. Feel free to visit for more details.

How safe is tourism and safaris in the Virunga Forest?

Today when it comes to safaris planning into the Virunga national park, most of the tourists’ mind is a concern of how safe is the virunga forest? To put it straight, The Virunga National park is the best place for a remote wildlife safari adventure but tourist must keep in mind the effectiveness of their safari will entirely depend on the expertise of their operator. That’s why choosing your safari operator must be a great point to consider who understands the dynamics of the current tourism operations in the region and has lasting attachment to Wildlife Authorities, Governments and the Local Area. Virunga national park is one of the primate adventure wildlife safari paradise still available on the planet to satisfy every tourist dream if well packaged to reality putting much emphasis on the general safari Aspects like daily activities, routes, visa handling, transport, boarder crossing and the safety measures available from time to time