Explore safaris to Uganda

Diversified cultures, iconic wildlife encounters into untamed varied array of landscapes
Discover safaris to Uganda

Welcome to the Mountain Gorilla’s world with iconic wild safari encounters

Uganda is an adventure capital of its own with an all year around open season safaris booking window. There is always something for everyone from taking the winding Mountain Gorilla tracking trails to the diversified cultural immersions while not forgetting the wondrous wild savannah game rides! Uganda is not among the top ranked safari destinations in Africa however tourists who are looking at coming to Uganda the key specialty to expect is a wild safari life into the untouched open landscapes. Tourists coming to Uganda are captivated by her conducive weather throughout the year. There are abundant wildlife freely roaming inside the country’s 10 world classic national parks and 12 wildlife sanctuaries. Safaris booked to Uganda includes Tracking More than half of the world mountain gorillas, Great primates watching tours like chimpanzees scattered in tropical rainforests of Kibale, Bwindi, Budongo, Wild game viewing into their natural savannah parks of Queen Elizabeth national park, Murchison falls national park, Kidepo and kalinzu etc, as well as endemic birding trips into the Albertine Rift Valley.

Uganda is a landlocked country in the Great Lakes Regions of East Africa. Uganda’s safari magic is attributed to her diversified cultures of friendliest people, varied array of landscapes that encompasses the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains stretching further west to the Mufumbiro ranges and immense Lake Victoria. Though Mountain Gorilla tracking comes apriority for most of Uganda safari goers, however Uganda safari itineraries are extraordinary surpassing each tourist expectations to just feel Wow….while enjoying the harmony of pristine virgin Nature belts, getting immersed into the traditional rural rhythmic vibes of hospitable people. Uganda hosts various chains of distinguished service providers in both Budget, Medium and Luxury hotels hence creating a conducive environment for tourists’ explorations and taste in peace, calmness and comfort. Uganda is still number one among the less crowded safari destination and tourist numbers are regulated in most of the conservation areas like only 8 pax are allowed inside the forest on each mountain gorilla tracking trail per day.

Today Uganda is a cherished safari destination for the Big Six safari Challenge, wild-wild game watching into Kidepo valley National park, Remote walking safaris, Great Adventure forest hiking, Adrenaline and Mountaineering. Uganda is the sole provider of everything in one place with daily safaris revealing high chances to meet the African cape Buffaloes, Large herds of Forest and savannah Elephants, Leopards, Lion prides, Rhinos and the menu is toped up with Mountain Gorilla tracking inside Bwindi and Mgahinga forests.

Human pressure on nature: There is strange battle of maintaining balance when it comes to bringing food on the table while conserving. Subsistence farming is vital for every Ugandan family. To bring food on the table, a lot is done to the entire environment, whether this means clearing rainforests for farming, drawing fish from Lake and rivers. Many locals see physical features of the country just for survival; this is the same in most parts of Africa and the entire world. Such survival practices continue to prevail every day and we believe things are even becoming more difficult for the locals and habitats for the future generations.

Habitat loss: The loss of Green belts means that endangered species that call these areas home such as the Mountain Gorilla families find themselves at risk from the locals. Their feeding home range is affected hence leaving them vulnerable to less feeds and poachers. Governments are looking at multiple benefits from the forests, they are signing lease for mining, industrialization, oil drilling and heavy construction taking place in the Mountain Gorilla habitats are the major threats to their survival. Poor farming mechanism on the land: Ugandans still rely on the ancient methods to use the land and grow crops, the practice of culturally inheriting land have led to smaller plots of unproductive land. When forests are cleared for agricultural land, the poor farming practices expose the soil to erosion and lose its fertility. The Northern western part of the country where cattle are introduced, uncontrolled grazing systems also affects forest cover like Lake Mburo national park. They have reduced soil quality hence opening ways for invasive species that have reduced the diversity of plant species and life.

Encroachment have Reduced forest cover: The communities in Uganda totally depend on natural resources to live. On a daily basis the families are targeting Forests to provide firewood; Forests are cleared to reveal fresh lands with fertile soils for agriculture. It’s estimated that Uganda loses about 6,000 hectares of forests every 30 days according to NEMA 2009 Report. Should there be no action taken by 2050, Uganda’s per capita forest cover will be zero. Uganda’s 28 districts have lost their entire forest ecosystem while other 19 districts have forest cover lower than 1%.

Feeding and taming of wild animals: Game watching in Uganda is responsibly controlled and done in restricted and defined tracks in all parks and sanctuaries. The act of off tracking, showing interests in taming and feeding wild animals or any form of changing the natural state of wildlife for personal motives are offenses. Uganda wildlife Authority included penalties on such activities including spending time in the jail or paying some fees if caught. You’re not supposed to own wild animals as pets in Uganda.

Illicit wildlife activities: Epic Gorilla Trails does not support any activity meant to harm the environment and cause extinction to wildlife therefore our safari goers or volunteers must keep away from Participating in any wildlife related crime like Including canned hunting a process of hunting wild animals (mostly lions) in an enclosed area from which they cannot escape, animal trafficking, poaching, trading in wild meat including pangolins etc.

Alcoholism: Uganda produces different brands of alcohol from brewing factory along the Nile in Jinja with a local premium brand reffered to as Nile Special Lager, among the traditionally distillate spirits and gins includes Enguri. Please note that alcoholism in Uganda is regulated by the parliament act, the first control bill on alcohol in Uganda was enacted by the British in 1965, until 2016 when the bill was updated with regulations on producing, packaging, advertising, taxation and consumption. Alcohol in Uganda is not permitted to age bracket below 18 years, bars are not supposed to open beyond mid night but there are no strict procedures. Ugandans will party till morning in most of the night clubs in major towns and cities like Kampala. There are heavy penalties for the Use of drugs and narcotics including Marijuana and cocaine.

At Epic Gorilla trails, we believe that every form of tourism must be responsible and every safari booked is for conservation, livelihood and experience, however tourism as a form of business is a threat to the areas of operation, nature and the host communities. This is a reason why all tourism related business must be Eco. Through all our safari packages, we make it clear to all our safari goers that our core safari visions are meant for creating and maintaining effective dynamics of a well-balanced eco-system. Through our local knowledge and expertisation of the regions where we do travel, Our safari versions are not just meant for tourists’ enjoyment but a major form of transffering conservation awareness through safaris. Travelling within the traditional and natural rural mosaics of African villages have a lot to offer however our safari versions carry the highest form of Respecting Nature and the local communities who have kept these wildlife treasures available for explorations. We do understand what wildlife conservation means into the deeper hearted memories of these locals, it’s unfortunate that through the gazzetting of wildlife reserves in Africa most of the families had to loose their land to conservation. This has continued to happen even in the Mountain Gorillas territory of Nkuringo in the southern Bwindi forest where more lands were secured to enlarge Nkuringo mountain Gorilla families feeding range in the year 2000. Epic Gorilla Trails enforces the need for responsible travelling as harmonized through a well thought tours and travel ideology for sustainable ecotourism on both major and minor fronts of our safaris to Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and D.R.Congo. Through years our guides, the locals and our travel tribe of safari goers have been so cooperative to keep this safari mission running with tremendous levels of appreciation and realities of a sound conservation legacy as left into the conservation fields. This well balanced agenda of sustainable ecotourism doesn’t only contribute to the continual existence of wildlife but it creates a tourist-local friendly atmosphere of interactions that respect each side’s contribution for Mutual profound results. These enacted approaches together with the activism of locals have raised the livelihood standards through skills gained by sharing and even different income sources are generated by this tourism business while not tampering with local cultures, nature, local lifestyles and beliefs.

Thousands of tourists are choosing destination Uganda for their holiday in the naturally endowed pearl of Africa, they spend time trekking into the sprawling jungles, exploring the rugged landscapes and discover cultures that make the nation incredibly attractive to visitors from all over the world. Uganda’s varied array of Wildlife: Seeking to experience a dream trip to Uganda is an access to another country side that appears totally unparalleled. Your safari to Uganda is an opportunity to venture deep into the Green hearts of Africa. Trek to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in search of one of the country’s rare Mountain Gorillas or walk deep forested bamboo zone of the Virunga massif in Mgahinga forest for the Golden Monkey trekking. Uganda is the only place on earth for Silverbacks and Golden views, where you can witness the two phenomenal species in the same wild habitat. The two Great Apes live in harmony in Uganda sharing very close social bonds and are on the rise i.e. Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees.

Discover Uganda for the big seven safari experience: The naturally endowed pearl of Africa hosts untamed numbers of healthy animals in the wild. With 10 world classic National Parks and 12 wildlife reserves, wildlife conservation is an incredible important cause in Uganda. From the common big five safari to Africa, Uganda is currently offering what is called “the Big Seven experiential tour packages” to tourists with track and trek trips within the country’s savannah and forested National Parks. Some of the country’s most famous wildlife species topping this watch list includes: Lion, Leopard, Rhino, Elephant, Buffalo, Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees. In addition to this iconic safari quintet, Uganda is home to species such as zebra, aardvark, Giraffes, Kobs and the giant pangolin. By choosing to take a volunteer trip in Uganda, you are contributing to the required efforts saving these elusive species for generations.

Book your safari to Uganda with us