Uganda Primates Tour

Mountain Gorillas, Wildlife Encounters and Cultural Explorations


4,400$ per person including the mountain gorillas tracking permit (700$) and 37,00$ per person without mountain gorillas tracking permit fees

  • Safari Name: Agandi Uganda Primates and gorillas
  • Safari mode: Pre-defined Medium-Luxury safari.
  • Safari version: Small group package of 6 pax maximum.
  • Destinations: Uganda
  • Tour code: UG005/14#EGT-2023

This is a trip packaged and conducted by Epic Gorilla Trails to showcase the best of Uganda’s wildlife, primates watching, cultural explorations and Mountain Gorillas Encounters into Natural forests. Besides Mountain Gorilla habituation and tracking in Bwindi impenetrable National Park, Golden monkey tracking in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, and Chimpanzee tracking into Kibale tropical rainforest. Welcome into our professional hands, at Epic Gorilla Trails we have designed this totally packaged safari itinerary to Uganda while meeting the expectations of every safari-goer into the richly endowed pearl of Africa. On this Uganda Primates itinerary, tourists will explore the western and the central conservation circuits of Uganda. While here amazing wildlife species tend to concentrate into natural forests due to an all year open conducive weather and location into the Albertine Rift valley.

Food is a great component to consider for Uganda cultures and on our trip to Uganda very time we are in anew place means tasting anew delicious meals. As a specialty on your trip with us, we have gone an extra mile to incorporate ample time possible for village explorations while interacting within the local lifestyles of these rich cultural values encompassed on organic food productions, cultural dressing codes and local dialect of multiple languages. Uganda is one of the diversified linguistic destination on asmall scale with approximately 52 local languages spoken from village to village across the country.

These two weeks spent in Uganda will uncover other pristine wildlife gyms like Queen Elizabeth National Park and Lake Mburo National Park. This trip features game watching into five of Uganda’s Grand 10 classic National Parks and 12 wildlife reserves.

On your two weeks as packaged, you will enliven your safari dreams while expecting:

  • Be warmly welcomed at Entebbe International Airport
  • Take a deeper trail within the tropical and natural fabrics of Uganda
  • Enjoy diversified array of cultural explorations
  • Mountain Gorilla encounter inside Bwindi National Park.
  • Golden monkey tracking into Mgahinga National park.
  • Peddle your Dug-out canoe onto Lakes Mutanda and Murehe
  • Informed walking safaris into ancient Batwa cultural villages.
  • Horseback safari riding amidst zebras and giraffes of Lake Mburo National Park.
  • A worthwhile open safari experience into Uganda rich wildlife conservation areas.


  • Day 1 – Arrival, reception and transfer Hotel transfer to Entebbe or Kampala.
  • Day 2 – Whole day road trip from Entebbe/Kampala to Kibale tropical rain forest
  • Day 3 – Whole day Primate watching tour inside and outside Kibale tropical rain forest.
  • Day 4- Transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park with Explosion craters tour.
  • Day 5 – Whole day Game watching safari and Boat cruising inside Queen Elizabeth national park:
  • Day-6: Second Whole day game watching experience and the southern Savannah plains of Queen Elizabeth national park at Ishasha sector:
  • Day-7: Morning Ishasha game driving experience and transfer to Northern Bwindi impenetrable national park at Buhoma for continuing to Rubuguri in the southern sector of Bwindi
  • Day 8: Bwindi Mountain Gorilla Habituation experiential trail inside the impenetrable forest
  • Day-9:Aday of Bwindi community and village explorations trip for discovering indigenous cultures while spending time with the keepers of the forest i.e Batwa and Bakiiga people of South Western Uganda.
  • Day 10: The second Mountain gorilla tracking inside Bwindi impenetrable National park.
  • Day 11 -Transffering from Bwindi to Mgahinga with a dugout canoe trekking experience on Volcanic Lakes of Mutanda and Murehe.
  • Day 12 – Another day of Golden views tucked into the Virunga massif.
  • Day 13 – Transferring from Mgahinga to Lake Mburo National Park via Kabale and an evening game drive.
  • Day-14: Morning wild forest horseback safari adventure ride and transferring to Entebbe international airport for the connecting flight back home.

Day 1 – Arrival, reception and transfer to Entebbe or Kampala for your overnight stay into the earl of Africa. Upon your arrival into the beautiful endowed pearl of Africa, your Epic gorilla trails enthusiastic safari guide will warmly welcome you to Uganda. Your airport reception at Entebbe international airport will be done with our lead safari guide with acustomized safari land cruiser. A short and precise briefing from your guide will be conducted, luggage fitted in the vehicle and after you’re driven to your hotel ineither Entebbe or Kampala the capital city of Uganda. Uganda being the hub for the second fresh water body lake in the whole world,Entebbe sits at the shoreline of Lake Victoria and this provides magnificent views for your first Uganda safari impression. Your hotel in Kampala or Entebbe is built on one of the seven hills that makeup this glamorous city. Our chosen hotel for your first overnight in the pearl of Africa is booked at The Boma Hotel, Karibu or Cassia Lodge (Medium) offering magnificent views across lake Victoria and entire surroundings on an elevated point of view. Having reached to your hotel, you will be allowed to check in and enjoy a hot shower for your first night relaxation into Uganda the endowed safari paradise.

Day 2 – Whole day road trip from Entebbe or Kampala to Kibale tropical rain forest. After a delicious breakfast from your lodge, we are today looking forward to fall in love with another different tropical forest experiences for your safari to Uganda. This will involve transferring from your hotel via Entebbe or Kampala commercial and administration Centre of Uganda as we expect to arrive at Kibale National park-the primate capital of the world, a title it earned due to the highest concentration of primates that reside inside this natural forest. This will be a whole day of road trip experience but we will have multiple stopovers for photosque moments, cultural interaction and lunch stop along the way in Fortportal. The evening will lead you to Kibale National park for your relaxation, dinner and an overnight stay. Accommodation is anticipated at Kibale Primate Lodge (Medium).

Day 3 – Whole day Primate watching tour inside and outside Kibale tropical rain forest. Today is reserved for your chimpanzees tracking inside the forest, we plan to enter this dense and tropical rain forest on chimpanzee tracking. On this tour, we expect to find large troops of chimpanzee families amidst other primates inside the forest and spend time within their community. Note that Kibale is a natural home to 13 primate species both diurnal and nocturnal. We have more monkeys like red-and-white Colobus monkey and black-and-white Colobus monkeys. Your Epic Gorilla Trails guide will drive to the visitor reception center at Kanyancu, while here you meet your UWA ranger guide to lead your chimpanzee trekking inside the forest. He will talk to you before the activity, this general briefing is for your safety and please do pay attention.

For your information, Kibale forest is one of Uganda’s most forested areas and has the highest concentration of wild and freely roaming chimpanzees totaling to 4,500. Expect to see a buffer zone of  tea plantations scattered all over the forest boundary to solve animal crop problem, numerous explosion craters and a flat undulating greenery of hills form the majority of the forest  neighborhood which give the region its characteristic name – the “Mountains of the Moon”. While with the chimpanzees you will be allowed to take as many photographs as you can but never pretend to imitate their calls as you might not know their language hence not sure what you’re doing. Maintaining the required distance between you and the chimps is beneficial to you and the chimps, they can break this rule but for you don’t. Chimps being our closest neighbors to whom we share about 99% of our DNA with, you can spread diseases to chimps or them spread to you easily hence the need to observe all the rules and regulations for your tranquil wildlife tracking experience. You will always find keeping your voices very low and dressing appropriately with no shouting colours any time you’re inside the forest or conservation areas yielding much for your wildlife encounters. Later you will come back for lunch and in the evening you visit Bigodi sanctuary for another community led primate walk. Come for dinner and relaxation at Kibale Primate Lodge (Medium).

Day 4- Morning Explosion crater safari and Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National park. After Breakfast from your hotel, we will check out and transfer to Queen Elizabeth National with a morning safari catchup into Kasenda villages driving through the explosion craters. Your extension of safari to Uganda day will reveal the authenticity of a well preserved cultural value where ladies carry bulky loads at the back whereas children are carried and suckles from the front. Along this journey, we will drive through villages to arrive into kasese town, we will continue to experience our safari memories for today including Kikorongo Equator crossing, stop for photos and proceed to our next destination passing through numerous Rwenzori blocks and finally enter Queen Elizabeth conservation area. Finally we will enter Queen Elizabeth National Park, your guide will lead you to the Queen’s pavilion for photos and history of the park. After knowing why the park acquired its name from here, together we proceed to have your first overnight into this park at Mweya safari lodge or Enganzi Lodge (Medium-Luxury).

Day 5 – Whole day Game watching safari and Boat cruising inside Queen Elizabeth national park: After our morning Ugandan platter of a healthy Breakfast from your hotel, we will get into numerous game channels inside Queen Elizabeth National Park. Favorite game channels will include Kasenyi koblek and the kyambura gorge before the sun rises. Before the morning sunrises over this flat undulating Savannah meadow we get set to drive into the forest, remember park gates are opens at 7:00 Am and closes at 7:00 Pm. We will drive towards Mweya peninsula, while identifying and spotting varieties of wildlife. Later you will continue to do game watching over Kazinga channel , a natural channel that connects lake George in the and Edward in the west of the park  with a boat cruise at lunch while capturing those moments of an aquatic safari style at Mweya.

An extension of your game watching can include visiting Katwe salt pans and Bunyampaka and getting interactions from this small community that got concession from UWA to own and manage a fishing village inside the park. We will continue to search for the wildlife into the Savannah plains should weather be conducive, more wild animals will be getting out to graze, to cool down for the day’s heat  like Hippos, African elephants, Cape buffaloes, lions, leopards, and more permanent residents of this forest. After our whole game experience, we will drive to be back in the evening session, we will proceed to check in our lodge for another overnight in Uganda at Mweya safari lodge/Enganzi game Lodge (Medium-luxury).

Day-6: Second Whole day game watching experience and connecting into the southern Savannah plains of Queen Elizabeth national park at Ishasha sector: An Early morning breakfast is the start of the day preparing you for this whole-day safari game viewing experience. Today we are looking at another opportunity to be back into the forest adventure game watching channels. As we proceed our game drive to top-up our safari watching list, we are looking at the game watching route which will lead us into another different location i.e. Ishasha , the southern sector of queen Elizabeth national park for our evening. We will proceed to the southern conservation circuit of the park and your next hotel in the south of Queen Elizabeth national is booked at Ishasha Wilderness camp (Luxury).

Points to Note: Remember your safari to Uganda will be nothing other than an album full of photos and those beautiful stories to tell, so take as many photos as you can but don’t touch or tempt to feed any wildlife while inside the conservation areas.

Day-7: Morning Ishasha game experience and transfer to Northern Bwindi impenetrable national park at Buhoma for continuing to Rubuguri in the southern sector of Bwindi: An early morning wakeup call of coffee and fruits will lead us to Breakfast and later into natural trails as we have the last game experience in Ishasha ,this area is known to be a home of antelope species which cannot be found in other parts of Queen Elizabeth conservation area for example Topis. It is within Ishasha sector where we have lions pulling out their rare magic to survive by climbing the fig trees, with your guide you will be able to prove why? This endemic safari moment is only enjoyed here in Uganda and Tarangire national park of Tanzania. Later in the day your guide will check you in for the Grande forest hike through Bwindi for the first time connecting from North to South while the guide will alone transfer luggage and the vehicle to the next point via Ruhija.

Penetrating the impenetrable Bwindi for the first time: Together with your guide, you will continue with an integration of the offbeat Nyandwi trail leading you through the forest before reaching Kashasha river valley and swamp. From Buhoma you will enter Bwindi impenetrable forest and walk from the north to the south boundaries. Walking cross this rush of rich mosaic and green cascading mountains will lead you inside the national park and later exit to the community fields of tea plantations after crossing river Ivi. You will be surprised with how Bwindi looks from this walk at Nteko ridge..! Bwindi impenetrable forest is an escarpment of verdant swathe and by walking under the forest cover of trees arranged in different canopies you feel fresh and cool. As a tourist you will find Bwindi impenetrable forest’s ground a blanketed layer and sponge like floor of dead plants and leaves, on this trails are high chances of encountering Olive baboons, several species of monkeys, bush pigs can be found wallowing in the mud and many butterfly species. Sometimes, this trail also reveals wild and habituated groups of mountain gorillas and should this happen, don’t worry all the walking safaris are carried in respect of Uganda wildlife Authority’s conservation mission and you will have escort rangers on the trail. The Great forest adventure hike starts at Buhoma taking us to the southern gate of the rain forest at Nteko.

The Bodaboda ride Experience: While at Nteko, time is allowed to explore this community for a deeper interaction and visits to an orphanage school and child center can be arranged. Later you will enjoy the Bodaboda ride to Rubuguri to your hotel and meeting your safari guide once again. You will check in your hotel booked at Gorilla scenic Lodge (Medium) Wagtail forest Lodge (Budget) and later on this evening, you will feel the warmth of of Rubugurians on a cultural immersion Gala booked at Nkuringo cultural Centre (NCC).

Day 8: Bwindi Mountain Gorilla Habituation experiential trail inside the forest:

This day of your safari is meant for the first Mountain Gorilla Habituation experience. We will leave after Breakfast from the lodge with lunch boxes into the forest. We will meet the lead guide from Uganda wildlife authority at Rushaga tourist Centre, attend to safety briefing and the habituation experience will commence by taking atrail into the tropical rain forest. As a new additions to the current plight of Mountain gorilla encounter, Uganda wildlife Authority has made it possible for tourists to habituate the wild Mountain Gorillas. After this whole days experience, you will return back to the lodge for a hot shower, relaxation ad another overnight in the verdant swathe of the Impenetrable Bwindi forest. Accommodation is booked at Gorilla scenic Lodge (Medium) or Wagtail forest Lodge (Budget).

Day-9:Aday of Bwindi community and village explorations discovering indigenous cultures while spending time with the keepers of the forest i.e Batwa and Bakiiga people of South Western Uganda: This is another day for the experiential trail outside Bwindi impenetrable National park, having experienced the Great forest hike into the forest, the Greatest wildlife trek to the Mountain gorillas, today we are looking at exploring the surroundings of Bwindi while interacting with the Keepers of this pristine natural resource. Your day will be full of cultures explorations into village walking trails. The Batwa are forest gatherers who once lived inside Bwindi impenetrable national park sharing close bonds with the mountain gorillas and the chimps until 1994 when they were evicted from the forest to pave away for effective mountain gorillas’ conservation. They still live in hanging villages at the forest boundary and own some responsible demonstrations of their ancestral cultural trails inside the impenetrable forest. Your day will be to learn, experience, immerse and interact with them. After the whole village exploration tour, we will come back into our lodge for another overnight booked at Gorilla scenic Lodge (Medium) Wagtail forest Lodge (Budget).

Day 10: The second Mountain gorilla tracking inside Bwindi impenetrable National park: This is the second day for you to get up closer into the Mountain Gorillas territoty, this chance now other than the whole day habituation experience you’re guided to ultimately track the already habituated Mountain Gorillas. After breakfast and with appropriate dressing code for the day,your driver guide will take you to UWA center to meet your ranger and attend the general safety briefing about your Mountain gorilla tracking. You will be partitioned in groups of eight pax maximum and each group will be entitled to track one family of Mountain gorillas for one hour each day.  There are also opportunities to discover the surrounding of your lodge on a self-guided Rubuguri village short walk for additional photography of the Gorilla Highlands while sipping a bottle of locally brewed Ugandan Nile beer from home grown sorghum and natural waters of Nile River. Another last overnight in the southern sector of Bwindi and Home to Epic Gorilla Trails is booked at Gorilla scenic Lodge (Medium) Wagtail forest Lodge (Budget).

Day 11 -Transffering from Bwindi to Mgahinga with a dugout canoe trekking experience on Lake Mutanda.   After all the experience discovered together for all the days at Bwindi, our trip still has more days in the Bwindi and Mgahinga conservation areas (BMCA). This is one of the green hearts of the African continent where amazing wildlife tend to concentrate, today we will leave after breakfast transfering to Mgahinga but our trail will be a unique one with dugout canoe trekking experience on the volcanic waters of lake Mutanda. This is a lava dammed lake and you will learn its relation to Mt.Muhabura and the Crater Lake on top. We will drive past the locals, arrive at the lake, meet the guide and on our own we will paddle our canoe across the numerous islands of the lake with ancient unique history of the kings from neighboring Rwanda and Congo to whom the lake was their ancestral celebration grounds and burial site. Discover the punishment island and get to know why from your guide all as you roar your boat gently to arrive in Kisoro town few meters from the shore spending an overnight at Lake Murehe safari Lodge (medium) at the showers of Lake Murehe.

Day 12 – A day of Silverbacks and Golden views tucked into the Virunga massif.

Having slept your night at the shore of Lake Murehe, we are leaving our lodge today after Breakfast with lunch boxes ready for Golden monkey tracking into Uganda’s small but magical highland mountane forest.  You’re guided through this excursion to immerse yourself into the natural fabrics of the Virunga massif into Golden monkey tracking. After arriving at Ntebeko and have attended to general safety briefing, you will be partitioned into groups of maximum eight individuals and commence your walking trail at Ntebeko to the bamboo zones and Afro-montane vegetative cover to later identify this specie of monkeys. Golden monkey is a specie of Blue monkeys only restricted to high altitude regions of Africa, they like playing on the ground when its windy but sometimes are found while frolicking the bamboo. After your time with them inside the forest, you will come back and relax at the foothill of the 3 gallant volcanic chains catching those rare and golden moments of sundowners in the valleys and ontop of the volcanoes as the sun sets to reddish blue skies if the weather is clear. Accommodation is booked at Lake Murehe safari Lodge (medium) at the showers of Lake Murehe.

Day 13 – Transferring from Mgahinga to Lake Mburo via Kabale and an evening game drive.  After your breakfast in the Virunga massif, you will be transferred to Lake Mburo National Park. This is the smallest of the Savannah parks but quite interesting. On your arrival, you will be allowed time to check in to the park gates and go straight for an evening game drive inside the forest. You will have wonderful views of many wildlife species including; the zebras, buffaloes, leopards, antelopes, Uganda kobs and many different bird species. You will have lunch at your lodge with in the park as you prepare for an afternoon session of your game watching to the lake. This is another way of getting closer to Kampala and Entebbe international airport, accommodation is planned at Mihingo Lodge (Medium-Luxury).

Day-14: Morning wild forest horseback ride and transferring to Entebbe for the connecting flight back home: Your last day trip to Uganda memories is crowned with a wild game watching safari into Lake Mburo National Park. After Breakfast, you drive to meet your guide for the Horseback safari ride inside Lake Mburo National Park. You will leave Early together with your Epic Gorilla Trails guide to meet the horseback safari guide and Ranger guide. You will ride your Horses amidst natural Flora and Fauna of Mburo Learning about this national park. After the horseback safari trip, we are looking at transferring you back to Entebbe on the next road trip. It will be a great drive as there will be a stopover at the equator, here you will have chance to take some photos and a polar water experiments etc. Another stopover will be at the local place where drums are made commonly known as Mpambiire Village for the deep in cultures experience. Horseback safari ride is another way of getting up close to the rare vegetative covers of semi-deciduous forest nature of a cassia hoki plants into Lake Mburo National Park. Under these trees wild animals spend most of their time feeding and get shade during the day. You will learn more about this forest which have been challenged by its past that saw her size reduce to currently 370 Km surrounded by communities and cattle ranches on both sides.

The biggest specie of the Antelopes is found here known as the Elands, Bush backs and water backs are also permanent residents in Lake Mburo national park, warthog and their piglets will be encountered as well, cape buffaloes will be doing mud bathing to cool down their body temperatures, impalas etc all through your eyes. We will continue our road trip to Entebbe International Airport for the flight back home in the late afternoon.

  • Mountain gorilla trekking permits secured in advance through Uganda wildlife authority (700$) value
  • Mountain Gorilla Habituation permits into Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (15,000$ Value) secured in advance through Uganda Wildlife Authority.
  • Full board accommodation as stipulated into this itinerary.
  • Community exploration fees for the all the community walks specified in this itinerary.
  • Inbound Transportation
  • Transport in customized safari vehicles.
  • Airport reception at Entebbe International Airport
  • Hotel bookings and Transfers as in the itinerary.
  • Airport drop-off at the end of your safari itinerary in Uganda
  • Dug-out canoe trekking fees
  • An authentic and experienced safari escort guide.
  • Bodaboda experience from Nteko to Rubuguri.
  • Game drives as described into this itinerary
  • All park entry fees and activity permits.
  • Bwindi adventure hiking fees from Buhoma to Rubuguri.
  • Horseback safari ridding for the morning session of your Last game watching into Lake Mburo national park.
  • Safe bottled mineral enriched drinking water for your daily safari hydration.
  • Vehicle Insurance and fuel for all the days of your safari to Uganda.
  • Indigenous and tropical fresh fruits will be available amidst our safari operations.
  • Epic Gorilla Trails office personal support for all your safari preparation details including online safari lectures, safari advice, booking essentials and general safari practicalities for your comfort.
  • Government operating Tax
  • Wildlife conservation and community concession fees where applicable
  • International flights to and from Uganda
  • Personal travel insurance is not included.
  • Tourist Visas to Uganda are not included in your package, however we will remain to advise.
  • All necessary vaccination and medication before starting your safari withus
  • Items of personal nature, gratitude, tips and other personal expenses not listed in your package
  • All other side trip expenditure and other personal options not described in this itinerary.
  • Additional trip ideas to Tanzania,Rwanda, Kenya or D.R.Congo are not included.

Mount Rwenzori has the highest peak and a point in the country with snow at 5,109 M above sea level. The plight of this trip are the road side tourism potentials available for your discovery, these includes local markets like Rwimi,road side curio shops, children going to school will stop and pose the “Muzungu” smile, faming fields and traditional community settlement patterns are all available to enrich your safari day.

Unlike taming where the environment of the animal and the conditions are changed completely, Mountain gorilla habituation is a process done by well-trained rangers through daily visitations into the mountain gorilla territories to make the mountain gorillas adhere to the visitations. Through the process, trackers visiting the mountain gorilla daily practice responsible habituation policies to make gorilla less nervous hence enduring the presence of the humans for hours. The rangers and trackers do vocalizations, squirting, barking, eye contacts, and friendly facial expressions as they get closer and closer to the Mountain gorilla family. Through a period of more than three years, mountain gorillas are visited daily and this is called The Mountain Gorilla Habituation experiences.  

Through daily visitations, the mountain gorilla territory is well monitored with rangers and other team of conservationists like the Gorilla doctors. The vital benefits of this process to make gorillas friendly to the human presence while the gorilla doctors do scrutinize and treat the gorillas in case of illness or injuries arising through the war of dominions as silverbacks fight individually to seize power, control and authority within mountain gorilla families. For the past few years, the Government of Uganda through controlled tourism policy has granted request to tourists requests to be part of this whole day habituation experience at a fee, contrary to the ordinary mountain gorilla tracking permit Uganda wildlife authority sells Mountain Gorilla habituation permits to amount approximated at 15,000$ per pax.

Who are the Batwa people? The Batwa are forest gatherers who once lived inside Bwindi impenetrable national park sharing close bonds with the mountain gorillas and the chimps until 1994 when they were evicted from the forest to pave away for effective mountain gorillas conservation. They still live in hanging villages at the forest boundary and own a responsible demonstrations cultural trail inside the impenetrable forest for ancestral preservation.

As currently considered the greatest of the wildlife trails on the planet, your time spent while tracking mountain gorillas will be quite memorable and humbly exciting. You will leave your lodge early at sunrise after a healthy breakfast and today’s goal is to penetrate the forest interior either at Rushaga or Nkuringo, the two southern park entrances of Bwindi National Park for visitor reception. We want to track the rare mountain gorillas in their natural habitat i.e. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.  Your gorilla trek is led by trained ranger guide and feel free to ask him any question about your gorilla tracking while expecting an answer in return. By following atrail you will be guided inside the tropical rain forest, each trail is used once and left to regrow. Your ranger guide will keep in touch with the advance team of trackers who leaves early to allocate the gorillas for you. Mountain gorillas are mobile and they do allocate their current position basing on their nests of the last night. Together with your guides and porters you will be led to follow Gorilla trails inside the forest and finally come in presence of your tracking group. With no windows, metal bars and doors you will find yourself in their home, the silverback (a dominant adult male) will be happy to welcome you and endure your presence for one hour.

INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN GORILLA HOME RANGE: You’re allowed one-hour time with mountain gorillas, this is for responsible Eco-tourism and this one hour is for you to observe, learn, and ask questions and for photography. Feel free to interact, ask questions, and learn about the wild while discovering the gorilla behavior on a daily basis. Even though tracking the gorillas is a one-hour activity, you have the whole day for this activity, so afterwards, we will take the chance to drive back to the lodge in the evening and relax at our lodge. The use of flash is not recommended while with the gorillas as this can scare them to charge.