Active Voluntourism

Active volunteer placement in Uganda is open for all ages

The best way to learn while causing positive impacts to Africa you don’t browse online or read in books. Volunteering with us in Uganda is possible! All volunteer packages are handcrafted and hosted in Uganda through Epic Gorilla Trails sound operating partnerships with Uganda Wildlife Authority and several locally registered community not for profits organization. Your volunteer placement can be arranged as a separate package or a combination of our daily range of Eco-safaris. Whether you’re spending days off from your personal routine or weeks of vacations for explorations, learning, leisure or research, your time spent with us working alongside the locals in the rural villages of Uganda will leave behind a profound conservation legacy. Usually Epic Gorilla Trails volunteers work with a team of local experts on Responsible Eco-projects in the communities, local organizations, schools, churches, and special volunteering packages are arranged to work with Game Rangers in designated forest boundaries. Such activities include periodic forest boundary maintaining, Waste management, public sensitization, wildlife monitoring, livelihood enhancement, skills development centers, indigenous tree planting and more Go Green projects are ongoing in the Southwestern part of Uganda in Rubuguri. All our volunteer packages are handson, offering volunteers more time and knowledge into the projects. Such packages are defined to bring lasting experiences to volunteers while leaving asound conservation legacy behind into the operating environment. We draft the volunteer packages to allow each participant much freedom and space. We believe the fact that conservation is awar and it cannot just be won by targeting specific wildlife species. You will experience another culture like never before and really get to know its people. Volunteers will gain new perspectives and insight into the local cultures and yourself. Our volunteer placements offer a more personal touch of natural fabrics into the mosaics of rural Uganda daily, only to be exciting and personally inspiring for everyone’s experience. With our long standing relations with tourists and the deep knowledge of our home environment, we help volunteers to develop memories that will stay with them forever. Rather everyone must be involved for effectiveness, our attention is about man and his environment. We welcome volunteers between 7 days to 12 months of learning, adventuring, discovering cultures, exploring the diversity in Uganda. Accommodation is provided, all meals, meetings and inland connectivity.


Volunteer Tourists arriving at Bwindi Volunteers’ House reception will need fitness as a requirement. Please note you will arrive to the lodge through a village tour from the main road, this is a 10 minutes walking on a slow gradient down to the lodge and 15 minutes of walking up to the main road. The trail becomes muddy and slippery during rains; we do recommend solid walking shoes and long pants. As a visitor you will find checking into this lodge an experience itself, the spot where you leave the vehicle is quite scenic with photogenic opportunities revealing the fusion of the local community farming and settlement patterns alongside Bwindi forest. This is an interactive walk through the Gorilla guardian’s village of Nombe to learn, discover and see the village through the locals’ daily lifestyles. On this walk you will get firsthand information about the local food stuff grown here and the same ingredients are cooked for our lunch or dinner at the lodge, learn about the housing structures of the locals changing from African traditional huts to modern roofed square houses, meet the kids waving to you with “Mzungu” smiles, or stop to talk to an elder narrating a story of life in the forest before arriving at the House. The House staffs are quite friendly and will be readily available for your warm welcome with a warm handshake and a glass of assorted cocktail juice of the day. After attending to the House briefing, you will have ashort orientation tour inside the premises and check in your specific room for the day’s relaxation.


Food provision at our Volunteer’s House is a combination of both local and international ingredients. Your menus will always have choices of these organically home grown natural ingredients freshly hand-picked from our owned Bwindi Gorilla Kitchen Garden. You can put up your menu for Breakfast and join our amazing chef in the kitchen or walk in the House garden, pick some passion fruits and have them on your dining table. We provide three mouthwatering meals per day, both menus are available including Vegetarian dishes; we take care of individual’s dietary requirements as would be provided to us in the booking process. Safe bottled drinking water, tropical fruits and a hot pot of organically roasted and grounded agandi coffee is always set for you.